Leg 1, Site 2, Core 5R, Section 2

Calcite caprock

Sigsbee Basin

Gulf of Mexico

Calcite caprock; extremely porous aggregate of calcite crystals

Approximate Age: 66 - 164 Ma

Leg 42A, Site 372, Core 8R, Section 2


Menorca Rise


Cruise planned to provide information on the environment just prior to the deposition of the Messinian evaporites; to then test models of the evaporite origin

Approximate Age: 5.3 - 11.6 Ma

Leg 112, Site 686B, Core 5H, Section 4

Laminated intervals

West Pisco Basin

Peru Margin

This site was selected (1) to obtain a high-resolution record of upwelling and climatic histories from Quaternary and possibly Neogene sediments, (2) to calculate mass accumulation rates of biogenic constituents from an upwelling regime, and (3) to document in detail early diagenetic reactions and products specific to the coastal upwelling environment.

Approximate Age: 0 - 2.6 Ma

Leg 136, Site 842B, Core 3H, Section 4

Red clay/icthyoliths

Hawaiian Arch

The principal objective of operations at Site 842 was the installation of a reentry cone on the seafloor and the casing of a hole to basement for use as a test site for the Ocean Seismic Network.

Approximate Age: 11.6 - 37.8 Ma

Sections 5 and 6 also available.

Leg 143, Site 868B, Core 2R, Section 1

Boundstone (sponges in growth position)

Resolution Guyot

western Mid-Pacific Mountains

The objective of this site was to (1) to examine the biota and vertical development of a Cretaceous reef, (2) to determine the cause and timing of drowning, and (3) to determine the magnitude of relative changes in sea level and karsting.

Approximate Age: 100 - 113 Ma

Leg 145, Site 881B, Core 18H, Section 2

Siliceous ooze (clayey diatom & ash layers)

Subarctic Pacific Ocean

The sediments of this site contain a critical record of late Mesozoic and Cenozoic oceanographic and climatic changes; paleoceanography and paleoclimatology of the North Pacific Ocean.

Approximate Age: 11,700 yrs - 2.6 Ma

Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and CC also available.

Leg 145, Site 882A, Core 11H, Section 1

Siliceous ooze (diatom) with dropstone

Subarctic Pacific Ocean

The sediments of this site contain a critical record of late Mesozoic and Cenozoic oceanographic and climatic changes; paleoceanography and paleoclimatology of the North Pacific Ocean.

Approximate Age: 0 - 3.6 Ma

Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and CC also available.

Leg 145, Site 882A, Core 12H, Section 2

Siliceous diatom ooze

Subarctic Pacific Ocean

The sediments of this site contain a critical record of late Mesozoic and Cenozoic oceanographic and climatic changes; paleoceanography and paleoclimatology of the North Pacific Ocean.

Approximate Age: 2.6 - 11.6 Ma

Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and CC also available.

Leg 146, Site 893A, Core 15H, Section 3

Well laminated silty clay

Santa Barbara Basin

During the late Quaternary, an absence of burrowing organisms allowed the preservation of annual laminations caused by seasonal changes in sediment supply and character. The sediments are rich in organic carbon and microbial methane. The sequence represents deposition at high sedimentation rates in suboxic to oxic conditions and contains diatoms, radiolarians, foraminifers, and pollen in sufficient abundance, thus providing an important opportunity for high- to ultra-high-resolution paleoclimatic/paleoenvironmental investigation.

Approximate Age: 11,700 - 129,000 yrs

Leg 146, Site 893A, Core 21H, Section 5

Yearly laminated sediments

Santa Barbara Basin

During the late Quaternary, an absence of burrowing organisms allowed the preservation of annual laminations caused by seasonal changes in sediment supply and character. The sediments are rich in organic carbon and microbial methane. The sequence represents deposition at high sedimentation rates in suboxic to oxic conditions and contains diatoms, radiolarians, foraminifers, and pollen in sufficient abundance, thus providing an important opportunity for high- to ultra-high-resolution paleoclimatic/paleoenvironmental investigation.

Approximate Age: 11,700 - 129,000 yrs

Section 4 also available.

Leg 147, Site 895C, Core 4R, Section 2

Dunite matrix, impregnated by gabbroic melt

Hess Deep

East Pacific Rise

This section demonstrates the evolution of crustal processes at a fast-spreading ridge.

Approximate Age: unknown

Leg 168, Site 1023A, Core 5H, Section 3

Hemipelagic turbidite

Juan de Fuca Ridge

This expedition focused on exploring the causes and consequences of ridge-flank hydrothermal circulation by drilling a suite of relatively shallow holes that allowed observations of lateral gradients of temperature, pressure, fluid composition, and rock alteration.

Approximate Age: 0 - 2.6 Ma

Leg 169, Site 1033C, Core 3H, Section 4

Finely laminated diatom mud

Saanich Inlet

fjord in southeastern Vancouver Island

This expedition investigated the ultra-high resolution paleoecologic record of the inshore northeast Pacific for the last 8,000 − 10,000 yr or so using organic remains preserved in Saanich Inlet sediments.Studies focussed on organic diagenesis and low-temperature remineralization reactions in a shallow, temperate, isolated anoxic basin.

Approximate Age: 0 - 11,700 yrs

Leg 199, Site 1215B, Core 1H, Section 4

Red clay

Molokai Fracture Zone

equatorial Pacific

This expedition was to study the evolution of the equatorial Pacific current and wind system as Earth went from maximum Cenozoic warmth to initial Antarctic glaciations.

Approximate Age: 0 - 56 Ma

Section 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and CC also available.

Leg 199, Site 1218A, Core 1H, Section 2

Siliceous ooze (radiolarian clay)

Clipperton Fracture Zone

equatorial Pacific

The goal of this expedition was to study the evolution of the equatorial Pacific current and wind system as Earth went from maximum Cenozoic warmth to initial Antarctic glaciations. This is the sole site to be drilled on the 40-Ma transect during Leg 199 and will be used to investigate paleoceanographic processes in the equatorial Paleogene Pacific Ocean during the inferred transition of Earth's climate from the early Paleogene 'greenhouse' into the late Paleogene 'icehouse'.

Approximate Age: 0 - 23 Ma

Section 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and CC also available.

Leg 199, Site 1218A, Core 24X, Section 2

Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary

Clipperton Fracture Zone

equatorial Pacific

The goal of this expedition was to study the evolution of the equatorial Pacific current and wind system as Earth went from maximum Cenozoic warmth to initial Antarctic glaciations. This is the sole site to be drilled on the 40-Ma transect during Leg 199 and will be used to investigate paleoceanographic processes in the equatorial Paleogene Pacific Ocean during the inferred transition of Earth's climate from the early Paleogene 'greenhouse' into the late Paleogene 'icehouse'.

Approximate Age: 33.4 - 33.9 Ma

Section 1 also available.

Leg 199, Site 1220B, Core 20X, Section 2

Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM)

between the Clipperton and Clarion Fracture Zones

equatorial Pacific

The goal of this expedition was to study the evolution of the equatorial Pacific current and wind system as Earth went from maximum Cenozoic warmth to initial Antarctic glaciations and to study equatorial ocean circulation from the late Paleocene through the late Eocene during the early Cenozoic thermal maximum.

Approximate Age: 55.5 Ma

Section CC also available.

Leg 202, Site 1241A, Core 3H, Section 3

Calcareous ooze (nannofossil-foraminifer ooze, with ash layer)

Guatemala Basin

southeast Pacific

The goal of this expedition was to provide a continuous late Neogene sedimentary sequence to assess variability of upper-ocean processes, including the reorganization of equatorial Pacific surface circulation and the development of the Atlantic to Pacific salinity contrast, both associated with the closure of the Isthmus of Panama and other late Neogene climate changes.

Approximate Age: 0 - 11 Ma

Section 4 also available.

Leg 206, Site 1256D, Core 13R, Section 1

Extrusive basalt

Cocos Plate

eastern equatorial Pacific

The goal of this expedition was to drill in situ ocean crust, which formed at a superfast spreading rate ~15 m.y. ago.

Approximate Age: unknown

Leg 310, Site M0015A, Core 30R, Section 1


MSP: Maraa, Tahiti

western Pacific

The goal of this expedition was to establish the course of last deglacial sea level rise at Tahiti, to define sea-surface temperature variations for the region over the period 20,000 – 10,000 cal. y BP, and to analyze the impact of sea level changes on reef growth and geometry.

Approximate Age: 11,700 - 12,900 years

Section CC also available.

Leg 310, Site M0023A, Core 11R, Section 1

Coral (overlapping laminated microbialites)

MSP: Maraa, Tahiti

western Pacific

The goal of this expedition was to establish the course of last deglacial sea level rise at Tahiti, to define sea-surface temperature variations for the region over the period 20,000 – 10,000 cal. y BP, and to analyze the impact of sea level changes on reef growth and geometry.

Approximate Age: 11,700 - 12,900 years

Leg 312, Site 1256D, Core 176R, Section 1

Vertical basalt dyke

Cocos Plate

eastern equatorial Pacific

The goal of this expedition was to recover, for the first time, a complete section of the upper oceanic crust from extrusive lavas down through the dikes and into the uppermost gabbros.

Approximate Age: ~15 Ma

Leg 345, Site U1415P, Core 14R, Section 1

Olivine gabbro

Hess Deep

East Pacific Rise

The goal of this expedition was to sample lower crustal primitive gabbroic rock that formed at the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR) in order to test competing models of magmatic accretion and the intensity of hydrothermal cooling at depth.

Approximate Age: unknown

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